Determination. Passion. Love

Determination. Passion. Love
"There is no remedy for love but to love more" Henry David Thoreau

wedding planning guide

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting Married Journal #10 February 15, 2011

Hello there. After a week of having fever, flu and cough, I hope today I am back on my feet! Seriously it was such a trouble when I feel my body has no more resistance to sickness. Even today I feel my right foot is swelling. *_*

BTW, yesterday was my 1st proposal anniversary. No fancy dinner and all. Just a sweet moment together, me having dinner alone and he drinking hazelnut tea with pearl or something. We were at Pavilion. He bought a pair of shoes at Dunhill, the one he had been aiming for such a long time. So he got it! Thought of hunting his wedding band too, however we had to postponed.

We got two preview tickets from YES friends. I was not sure the title but it has something to do with Christianity, devil and exorcism. I didn't like watching those kind of movies, but it wasn't that bad at all. I just don't like the screeching sound made by those nails. It was so annoying as I still can hear the sound after a day!

Oh yeah. We have not confirmed anything for reception in Perlis as we leave it to abah. He called yesterday, asking Fendi the exact date and time. He wasn't talking about Tasoh ceremony, but his concern is more towards the home ceremony, which will be held on the 18th. He is just a villagers lover. That worries me. I am afraid I'm going to be too tired to smile the day after the reception at Tasoh. *sigh* Like all the bride-to-be, i pray that everything is going to run smoothly during those events.

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